A833 Noise in Third

Hey everyone, another transmission question.

I bought a rebuilt a833. All the forward gears shift fine and go in without any issue, and the car drives fine. However, third gear makes a lot more noise than any of the other gears.

First and second are quiet, no noise at all.

Third makes a ton of noise.

Fourth makes almost no noise.

The noise in third and forth is only when I'm on the gas pedal, as soon as I lift off the gas or hit the clutch the noise goes away. Is this an issue within the transmission, or are they all like this? This is my first A833. I had an A230 and that didn't make any noise.

The transmission is filled with Redline's MT-90 synthetic. Below is a video of the noise I took last night. I know videos only do so much but this is the best I could do. The RPMS were close between third and forth, the downshifting didn't spike the RPMS.

Karl G