lumpiest cam
You have made mention of that cam in various posts through the years but I’m not sure I ever have read about the actual set up it was in, application, or your thoughts about the performance during the period of its use. Not wanting to run this thread off the rails, but could you give a brief synopsis of all that?
Wow, um, really? Dang, so long ago... ummm
Well SURE!
9.8-1 zero deck slugged, stock port 360 J 2.02/1.60 heads.
I used a Torker II-360, LD-340, and *I Think* I had the RPM-AG up top. I used Carters, AFB 600 & a 750 AVS. No Holley’s. Chrome box ignition, OE distributor, Summit headers into a 2-1/2 exhaust. I don’t remember the mufflers. But it stopped at the rear axle.
MP Viscous fan. 4spd/4.10’s ‘73 Cuda.
The chop was enhanced due to the stock carbs. No able to do there job until tinkered with. The idle was erratic. (Step up spring issue.)
Even after a spring adjustment, I had a little trouble with a good idle. (More of a rookie thing) I noticed this cam seems to have a good rate of lift. Against other MP cams, the oval track cams have more lift against duration vs the other cams. (Example; 292/.509 vs 288/.499) If you have run a easy going Crane on a wide 112 against a newer cam like a Comp XE and add 1.6 rockers, you can hear and feel the action.
Being an oval track cam designed for a 3/8 flat track, it had a narrower power band than what I was used to. (Or so it seemed) The cam delivered mad house torque and a good top end pop.