I may be "fully retired"......................

I'm glad I retired when I did, Jan 2018. I was approached the day before my last day & asked what it would take for me to stay until the end of the project I was working on. I told them that there was no way I would stay because no matter how much I did to keep the project on track that the powers that be were causing major problems as the days go on. I had been gone for 11 months & my former supervisor approached me & asked me to come back as a contact consultant for almost TWICE what I had been making at HALF of the hours I had been working. I looked at him, smiled & said "No thanks", I have a good gig going working in 3 different areas & working on my schedule. As of today, I'm able to work whatever hours I wish & do the things I wasn't able to do having a FULL TIME job.