New NFL season

I took inventory of all these things a few seasons ago and gave it up:
1) kneeling and milquetoast response from league back in 2018.
2) on-field antics, poor sportsmanship (shuck + jive)
3) off-field antics, criminal behavior that got a pass unless it was egregious or the media cast a spotlight on it
4) idolization of people who could barely speak English
5) injection of these low standards into the cultural mainstream
6) the corruption of the amateur (college) system that feeds the monster
7) the outrageous sums of money paid to participants to play a game
8) the even more outrageous sums that team owners bilk from taxpayers to build stadiums and facilities
9) the mainstreaming of sports gambling (not against gambling, but I think this is unhealthy for society)
10) the political posturing and pandering, and claims of oppression from athletes who make more per week than most people make in a year, and the management and ownership going along with it all so as not to interrupt their revenue streams

I decided I couldn't be part of this corruption anymore.