Brake lights staying on
I read somewhere on this forum where sliding the brake sensor switch bracket (all the way forward) still did not turn off the brake lights after loosening it and moving it to the furthest forward position. I believe the solution ultimately was to loosen the brake switch bracket and flip the entire assembly and then take out the brake switch and thread it back into the opposite pedal facing side. Doing this helped to make sure the pedal wasn’t making contact anymore.
FWIW I’m having this exact issue - right now. I recently replaced my MC (4 wheel stock drum setup) and my brake lights never turn off unless I physically lift the pedal away from the firewall. I haven’t tried rotating the bracket to face opposite direction but, plan on trying that as a last resort. I also bought an after market switch/sensor (hoping it will make the gap work between the brake pedal assembly and the bracket).
Everyone is right in the fact that it’s a major pain in the “you know what” to see the fastener bolt for the bracket. If you have knee knocker AC; then visibility is non-existent from the passenger side.