Trunk Mount Batt. Opinions needed

Connections checked over and over. I am using Star type washers. It is possible that I cooked up the contacks on the soleniod (didn't think of that). I 1st will try to diagnose as suggested .
well cripes, here ya go

the hot start problem could be too much ignition advance when cranking. An easy way to test that is to get the engine to the temperature where you normally expect hot start issues. Then disable the ignition,,, pull the coil wire,,,Then crank the motor. If the motor turns over fine then you have too much ignition advance at start up.
If the starter motor drags,, then you need to go back to post # 14 and check the voltage drops as recommended.

I like this as well. I had cranking issues since new (6 years). My timing is set at 8 because if I went any more advanced it would not crank. 35 Total. No Vcan or it detonates. Reman stock dizzy with 1 Med. 1 Light spring. I used a piston stop to comfirm the balancer TDC mark is correct. I pulled the Dizzy to see if it was getting hungup or spring missing ect: but found no isues.Hoping it's Starter related but maybe motor ? Something too tight ? I sold my house and have no garage. It's currently in my Dad's garage but I have to get it out of there for the winter so really can't pull it apart if needed until the spring.Really missing my Garage
