Chopping down the Xmas Street...

One time back at New England Dragway in New Hampshire Like early 90’s. I was in the staging lane and a spill occurred. My car sat in the sun for 30mins and my right slick got hot. I was like 21 and no pit crew to run over and cover my tires from heating up from the sun. Spill was cleaned up. I think a driver blew a Radiator hose.

Anyhow we were called back and I got the right lane. Did my burn out and staged. Light turns green- I go and front end up.... I’m looking at the crowd- thru the windshield. I drop and pulled the brake. Squared up and still won because the other guy broke out. I think I carried spare shorts after that adventure. It was nobody’s fault but only a chain link fence was between me and bodies. Accidents happen- it’s why we sign waivers.