Thank you but my day job is building cars.
This is just a hobby for me.
So good new and bad mews.
The good news.
That is a VERY VERY well made and expensive lock. The company is still around. I will be calling them Monday and see if they have any info on their locks form the 1800s.
The bad news.
I do not think it can be shimmed open, it must be picked and the bottom will not come off unless it is open.
Here is a very similar Yale lock.
Your is even nicer with the covered key way.
I would guess it is a old "marine" lock due to its metal and design. Most likely old military or Railroad, The average person at that time would not be able to afford such a high quality lock.
AMAZING!! Just as long as mine doesn't come back cut up in pieces!!! LOL
Shipped it off a little while ago. The one in the video is a little different than mine (mine is more heavy duty) but might have similar guts. There's nothing jammed inside so that's one good thing. That video should give you a little insight into how to crack the lock open??