408 Stroker Short Block Details: Blueprint Engines

Finally got it up.....:eek: Felt the front end top out and the steering got very very light and had my best 60’, 330’, 1/8 mile ET and MPH at this particular track that seems to always have a cross/head wind. Consistent 66 degree, 10+/- mph winds, 50+/- % humidity all day. Put the van on a diet losing about 300 lbs compared to last year and installed front and rear QA1 DA shocks. Looking forward to late fall cooler temps to run some end of the season 1/4 mile runs at The Rock and see what my years tinkering yields! Hoping to crack into the 7.30’s (1/8) 11.6’s (1/4) Blueprint short block showing no signs of fatigue, aging, noises etc. All good! :lol:


