Percolation? Heat soak? Don't drive during summer??

Nevermind. I see he beat me to it. I don't know what to tell you. I drive three old carbureted vehicles in the HOT HUMID GEORGIA summer and they don't do anything stupid. So I guess you can whine about something not being near you, OR you can take a drive, get some non ethanol gas and TRY it and see if it makes a difference. I have non ethanol gas all around me, but I don't use it. All my junk runs good on 10% ethanol. That's another thing to consider. What % of ethanol does the gas out there have? Different locations can have different amounts. Here, we have a maximum of 10%. My slant six Valiant runs dang good on it. If there was a car that'd exhibit vapor lock, that'd be it. The fuel line runs right up against the bottom radiator hose, around in front of the engine, then turns parallel with the vehicle center line to the carburetor. It runs right over the intake and exhaust manifolds where it;s subjected to some HOT temperatures and I have ZERO issues. I also am runnin the THICK (over 1/4") base plate insulator gasket.

Oh I could drive my daily out to one of those stations and get gas that's not a big deal. Its just the car that would need ethenol free gas (if that was the problem) wouldn't make it out there as it is right now to get the gas, and it would be a 30-45 minute drive everytime I needed to fill it up. By the time I'm home the tank would be darn near empty again haha.