Percolation? Heat soak? Don't drive during summer??

My point is, he's gotta START somewhere, agreed? Whether it's fuel, electronic, or "whathehellever", he's gotta get outta the forums and TRY something, right? Going to get a 5 gallon can of gas filled is a pretty easy thing to do. Whether he drains the tank, or feeds it from the remote tank, that will tell him real quick if the gas is the problem. It may not be, because as you say, the weather is different....and you're right. But what if his gas has say 20% ethanol? That levels the playing field, doesn't it? The fact is, WE don't know, because we're trying to diagnose over the internet. So he HAS to start somewhere.

Oh, I agree he has to try some stuff! Just seems odd that the same gas that many run gives some of us no end of trouble. Maybe it's not the gas? There's other "stuff" can be tried, like removing the hood and driving it that way for a bit, LOL.

I just sympathize with doc because I lived there too, and it sounds easy enough to go fill a gas can, but it can be a daunting treck to go even 10 miles across that city. I know that in his shoes, I'd make it run corn oil before heading to the truck stops to fill a gas can (plus, then he's got to burn what fuel he has first, otherwise it's just going to dilute that epa methanol cocktail and not necessarily give a good indication right away if it is definitely a fuel issue)..

To me, the odd part is that it quit while idling at home this time. That's different from other times when it had been driven farther and THEN idled for an extended period. Which to me is suggesting electronics more and more. The gas vapors from. The carb when warm/hot is normal, so that's not necessarily a symptom but does indicate there's some gas in the bowls. So I'd start with an ecm and see what happens after. A fuel pressure gauge would go a long way to helping rule fuel issues in/out.