You have to be INSANE to have long-tube headers on a big-block A-body Mopar!

no, i purchased this car with the current headers installed. you probably already know that OEM 383 exhaust manifolds are very hard to find and are expensive when you do find a set. i have seen these but the difference between factory manifolds and headers is anywhere from 40 to 60 HP so i want to keep the headers.

It may help if u raise the front of the car higher than the back too, I`m talkin way up.
I can get my 2'' TTI`s off like that , have to work the starter with it , pull all plugs , on my raised port 440/505 - 68 barracuda. No dents in the headers , I had to remove some dents and flattened tubes when I bought them IMG_0474 (1).JPG used.
I dont have torsion bars tho ----------