Fuel smoke and fouled plug

A good PVC system will help, the blueish gray smoke is definitely oil. When your performed the compression/leak down test, was there much escaping around the valve stems? I know you may have covered this, but I didn't see it, I'm just spit balling trying to figure where the problem lies.

No worries! I appreciate any and all suggestions.

From what I could tell, all air escaping was passed the rings. On a cold test, the worst cylinder had 92/100 and it was on the drivers side. Warm test it was at 94. All passenger side cylinders were 94 both cold and warm.

The valve seals are all brand new looking and are the Teflon kind. Before I owned it, the motor was rebuilt and never fired up. The car exchanged owners and the guy I bought it from runs a classic car dealership/repair shop. I have no clue if they broke it in right. The car was running insanely rich when I got it. I had the mix screws turned all the way in and it still ran rich. That’s what makes me think it’s cylinder glazing. If I had a borescope I would know for sure.