
Before I turned 40, I spent quite a bit of time on the table.
But the summer I turned 40, a funny thing happened. I went from a 30 pant to a 32 to a 34, while not gaining any weight. My hips spread, like a pregnant woman's. And I have had zero back-trouble since. Coincidentally, perhaps, I had become a Christian that spring, and baptized in late August.My birthday was in June.
That was 27 years ago, and I can remember only ever getting back on the table for one series of adjustments. And I only completed the adjustments because it was covered by insurance, and I let that chiropractor milk it.
Another time, I went was for a dislocated bone in my wrist. I had run across an icy parkinglot,slipped, and crashed forward, putting my hands out to break the fall. Bad idea and I don't do that anymore.
That dingbat chiropractor put a lil electric massager on there for less than a minute, then told me it would take seven more adjustments. I said; no it won't. You won't see me coming thru your doors again.
I went home,found me a chunk of wood, laid my arm on the kitchen table,covered that wrist with a towel, and slammed that 2x4 down on that rebellious bone. And voila, the bone was right where it was supposed to be! and the nerve-pain that had accompanied it was also gone. Yeah,ok, the meat was a lil sore from the 2x4, but that was gone the next day. And; Seven more visits myazz. I ain't sitting around for a month; I have never stepped foot in that doctors office again.
Just call me;
Dr.AJ; iddouble-n,sc
(I don't need no stinking chirowhatever).