Opposing the law preventing sale of gasoline cars in California

I would look into wether a proposal like this is even legal at the state level. Then file class action suit. Contact your state rep and ask. For example, under Persident Obama, I dont recall the name of the bill, but he passed an MPG law/restriction that basically made V-8's obsolete. It went something like "engine has to get a minimum of 26 miles per gallon etc" at some point a V-8 is only so efficient at MPG( usually around 18-22 MPG) this is why trucks started pushing big 6 cyliners and the For Mustang had or has their 300 HP V6 etc. V-8s in new cars are becoming rich man fodder...:) Here is an article,and , not trying to make this political, but politics is what is driving this. If you like your gasoline cars,worth a read. Trump administration rolls back Obama-era fuel efficiency standards