So what IS a muscle car?

"Just what is a Muscle Car? Exactly what the name implies. It is a product of the American car industry adhering to the hot rodder's philosophy of taking a small car and putting a BIG engine in it. To balance this out, handling, braking and related essentials are modified to result in a performance machine for the streets. They tack racy names to the car: GTA, GTO, GTX, or just plain GT; R/T, SST, SS, GS or, for the lack of better initials, 4-4-2. They doll the car up with fancy trimmings and put it up for sale. And it sells like crazy"....Road Test Magazine 1967
this really does nail it down.. it didn't start in '67 and it didn't stop in '67, obviously

Anything beyond the compression kill of the 70`s would be a performance car and not muscle car. The newer high horse fun to drive cars are the best example of a performance car.
I like your point

Only someone under 40yrs old would ask that question. If you are 50 or more- you know the answer.
I disagree and that was a copout, what's your answer?

I think to be legitimately called a musclecar, it has to be a factory-build combination. If you couldn't build it by the option sheet, it's a hot rod, not a muscle car.
right on.. winner winner

The Muscle Car era was mainly marketing by the Big 3. Muscle cars where factory built American cars. People under 45 think every 2 door car built in the 60s and 70s is a Muscle Car.
factory built, we have a theme :) them younguns just need to be educated

BTW, if I remember the convo from the other thread correctly, the Scat Pack doesn’t have 707 hp, “only” 485. Have to get the Hellcat to get 707 hp.
someone has been paying attention to modern muscle cars :thumbsup:

Don't know how we got to just throwing insults around, but.....
I do and it's hilarious!:lol: