65 Dart Wagon Conversion to a Sedan Delivery

My conversion from a 4 door wagon to a 2 door sedan delivery (or also called a panel wagon) has required me to learn or brush up my knowledge on a bunch of skills. In addition to being a metalworker, engine mechanic, and automotive electrical engineer, i find that I also need to be somewhat of a woodworker. The spare tire cover was made of true 1/2 inch rough finish plywood painted gray. B Body wagons had sone kind of protective cover - linoeum? Painted plywood was what you got in the early A wagon. This is the side that was seen in the car and it’s in rough shape with parts of the plywood peeling and just plain gone.


I was looking at some true 1/2 inch sanded plywood (not the 15/32nd rough plywood) at Home Depot. My banker asked what I needed it for, a second later the light went on and she said “for that wagon?” It was actually less expensive than the rough stuff. As soon as I pick up a suitable jigsaw blade so as to make a nice smooth cut, that part of the puzzle will sort of be done.


Because I won’t be hauling anything except maybe a cooler, my plan is to cover the whole back area from the back of the Barracuda folding seat to the tailgate in carpet that matches the color and texture of that in the front. I was able to buy sufficient carpet yardage through Stock Interiors to do the job.