Back from the paint shop

Feel totally free to PM me. I’ll answer anything I can. Most mopar specific tricky stuff, I asked questions here. Everything else I googled, many times leading right back to here.
Other than tinkering around, I had never done any car work. It just takes a lot of persistence, and I did a lot of sit and thinking. My workbench is to Black & Decker workmate and a small overcrowded 2‘ x 8‘ workbench with a shelf above it. A lot of storage in my shed and spare bedroom.
LABEL EVERYTHING— Really, most stuff will go back together one way, but nuts and bolts will drive you bonkers.
Help will make a difference, but I did every bit of this with zero assistance, it can be done. Did I say a lot of sit and think.
Cargo straps, floor jacks, jackstands, engine lift, 2x4s for leverage, anything can be used as a tool.
I started out with a slightly oversized single car garage, with a low ceiling. I built a low height rotisserie out of 4x4s & 2x4s and started on removing undercoating. I found PB blaster setting overnight works great for that. Lots of Dawn and scrubbing after that. Took me a couple applications to get all of it.
That’s uncanny how similar of situations we’re in. I have a 2’ x 6’ piece of plate steel and some 2x2” square tube I’m trying to make into a table. My dad was an iron worker so I’ve got all the tools I could ask for. I’m planning to do a wood, tip-over rotisserie and to have the car on stilts / casters to get it in and out of the driveway easily. I may need to get it blasted though. I live in a townhouse community and my HOA is stupid strict. I’ll pm you when I start digging in, and you’re right. Google and FABO have been amazing. Mostly the FABO community. I deleted social media off my phone and search FABO whenever I feel like dicking around on my phone. This place and the people here are priceless.