Stop in for a cup of coffee

When I was desert racing we made the trek to lovely Jean Nevada to run a pit for 4 or 5 of our racing buddies. They all made the first pass by us and we waited and watched. All but one of them make the 2nd lap :wtf: where's Mel? Little while later here comes that car and it is thrashed. Buggy stops in our pit and Mel is not driving Eddie is. Mel had barrel rolled the buggy. It finally came to rest on it's lid. Mel being dazed and confused grabs the release on the quick release harness and without supporting himself with one hand pulls the release and he bashes his head into the roof :eek:. Either the crash or the abrupt release of the belts gave Mel a concussion. Crash was close enough to the start finish they were able to go fetch him and care for him and get the racer back in the race with Eddie at the wheel.

After and before photos of Jean Nevada. I think it's called Primm Nevada now. It had one little casino "Pop's Oasis", a delightful place, we called it "Crappy Pappy's" :rofl: