LOL thrift store score "Bell Systems" / Simpson 260

Some photos from the mid 90's

Below putting 50 lbs of **** into a 30 lb bucket. This is the tiny building on "RADAR Hill" outside Othello, WA. This is where, late one dark, three drunk Mexican itinerants thought they would mug me. No skill on my part, there happened to be part of a big pipe off an unused antenna bracket. "Equalizer." And lead wonders why I "carry"

Me up a 80ft? near Colfax, WA. Irony is, this was an abandoned site, and is now, again I hung both those sticks by myself. The top one was interesting. Those are 4x-dipole VHF which are over 20ft long
Below the phone switch (Motorola Centralink) going in at Davenport, WA. All I remember is the DICK----taphone connections were at top left. The DICK-taphone guy installed them first right in the middle of the brand new plywood I had just hung. So I moved them as far away as I could get them. His name was "Dick"
Below, more "me" on the little Colfax tower. I'm about 50 here
Colfax tower This was taken facing uphill. Where the pickup is parked was a dirt acces road. Now, it's a paved road with a house immediately behind the shack, and this site is abandoned. Since Google street view are behind times, I would not doubt it has been torn down. "Makes you think" (how old we are / how long ago this was)
Bottom two, the then sheriff of Othello, WA had gotten ahold of these truck camper like communications enclosures, to use for radio shelters. I think they were three. paging, fire and SO, and SO repeater. I built all this.

The small single radio by the door is a 900mhz low power repeater. It received pages from the main repeater down at the hill near the SO, and outputted them to the encoder chassis at the top of the main radio rack. Alpha numeric was "big" in those days. They bought them by the dozens. Lots of volunteer folk in those little wide spaced farming communities
