LOL thrift store score "Bell Systems" / Simpson 260

The job at Oregon City, OR. This was a restrictive phone room, 10? ft wide or less with "junk in the middle" and maybe 20 ft long. All the wall space was covered with phone blocks or equipment. In order to make room to work, we actually tied up some of the blocks with slats, ties, and cardboard, and "hinged" them like a door over against the wall. The ones you see on the carboard at left had been mounted on the back wall---where the new system was mounted.

Old system used the old rack mount "button and key" so all lines had to go to each and all dispatch positions. The new stuff of course is digital, and uses a 4 pair data line I still remember one of the "girls." She had just been through a divorce, and if we weren't so damn far apart..................she was an absolute sweetheart.

This site used "computer flooring" which is as big a help as it is a PITA. You STILL have to crawl around on (my) bad knees to get stuff done. I don't remember anymore, I think there was about 12 operating positions in dispatch, only "some" of which were manned most of the time.

Switchover was the biggest PITA. You had to do this at 4AM or so on a Monday morning, the thinking is that crime and the drunks were "at a low." But you still had to prep for the worst, AKA both systems failing. At that point both systems were basically up and running, and after training on the new gear. So you pulled the old gear off line. We ad people standing all over the phone room with buttsets monitoring incoming lines and trunks LOL

