Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well I totally ate it at work yesterday, right at end of the day. I stepped off of a concrete landing outside a little communications room, tools/materials in my hand and there's a drop, probably 10-12 inches down, stepped on the edge of the slab, lost my balance and *** over tea kettle I went. I did a barrel roll across a table we had removed from the small room and placed outside, I probably ended up 10 feet from where I started the "old guy fall". Luckily didn't break anything, my co-worker said "You showed that table who was boss" lol! I'm going to talk to the plants supervisor and ask him to bring up the grade with more gravel around that landing.
Damn! It's not the fall that hurts it's the sudden stop at the end. Probably sore and bruised a bit but nothing broken.