Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yard sale was somewhat successful. I made about $15 an hour. LOL. Didn't get rid of any big stuff though. Guess it's time to do some marketplace listings. Need to get outside now and get the junk cleaned up from shed work. At least stacked up...Rain supposed to start sometime after noon. After that I will get back to basement cleanup...
Then I still have pressure washer to work on. I think this last problem was a stuck open 'unloader valve' Which is essentially a bypass or recirculator for when the trigger is closed. Must have been working before that till I messed with it...:BangHead: (@Ben Drinkin yours is probably stuck closed - will cause engine to shut off) Also found the chem pick-up ball spring is gone. I don't use it, so will try to plug that. There is another check valve/orifice in the outlet with a broken spring and damaged oring. Not sure if that even matters if not using chemical. Will try to find parts for that.
Good Morning