Stop in for a cup of coffee

One time my son's friends from Detroit was coming to stay for a weekend... The weather was bad and the flights were delayed/cancelled... I told his mom that I'd meet her halfway and pick him up... She insisted on driving him the whole way... View attachment 1715610644

I told her to call me right as she crossed the IL/IN border so I could give her good directions... No, she tries to wing it, then calls me in a panic saying, "We're in Des Moines!!!!" View attachment 1715610642 View attachment 1715610641 View attachment 1715610641 View attachment 1715610641

I know that there's no way she's even close to Des Moines because she was just in Indiana ten minutes ago and Des Moines is about 5 hours from here... So I ask her for a mile marker number...

She gives me the mile marker number and I gave her directions to get to our house.... :steering:

She's one of those spastics that worry about everything... View attachment 1715610645

So now that's one of our sayings... "I'm in Des Moines!!!" :lol:
LMAO sounds like me I get lost real easy.