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Well said. I asked a few of my ag techs (who also farm) as to whether all the computers and satellite tech are worth it. As the implements get bigger 30' out from the tractor cab is a long ways away. The satellite can be within inches for tillage and more importantly, fertilizer, weed killer, insecticide, soil amendments, and the most important, planting. As close as the rows and seed population are nowadays, 6" off for a half mile row could add up to thousands of dollars loss. The guys at the Coop can grab a thumb drive from the farmer and plug it into the sprayer computer and head off over the field. When the sprayer get's close to a old feedlot a half dozen sprayer nozzles shut off because the soil samples and the computer says the fert isn't necessary there. Just there though. The rest of the sprayer is adding chemicals. Sorry to ramble on. I get it though.
And yeah, and the tractors have had to get so responsive now a days, that the slightest move on the wheel, and it turns. They’ve always been really responsive, more so than a modern rack and pinion in even sports cars thanks to hydraulic steering, so the bigger the implements, the bigger the tractor and the larger the room for human error. We’ll likely never go auto steer unless we start renting ground again. As there’s not much gain for us. The biggest advantage to auto steer is like they showed in the video, ease of unloading on the move. It can be done manually and my brother and I have managed to get our timing down pat to where we can do it with manual control.