What happened to Lunati's cam card info on their site?



Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2011
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I was trying to find the specs of the hydraulic roller I bought a while back.

Found a link I had posted.

But it took me to their main page and I had to look up the cam from scratch.

When I got to the page for the cam, there was no tech sheet/cam card available.

Why would they do that?
I don't know why they stopped posting them. When I look at them I download the Lunati catalog because they still show the ICL and LSA with all the other specs. When you know that, you can use one of the online calculators to find the opening and closing events.
...and now the catalog on their site is a flip through video style format.

Can't even download it.

CLEARLY a case of "new" is definitely NOT "better".
"small" small block hydraulic roller.

(there's only 2)
Google "way back machine" . Then type in the web address and look in the past for a time where the had the sheets
The cam is listed, just not the specs other than advertised duration, duration at .050 and "gross lift" without.

I was looking for the cam card to send to my brother, and to explain the 1.5 vs 1.6 rocker ratio since he's working on a Magnum.

The cam card has lobe lift, but yes I know you can calculate lift at 1.6 from the lift at 1.5 number.

Seems awfully silly of them to make things more difficult.
I also think it's a little funny that they list the gross lift on that cam at 1.5 since the obvious application is a Magnum.