We are a go! Fall Fling Oct 24th 2020 @Irwindale Speedway -Mopar Swap-Show-Drags

An email I just got from the Speedway

Statement from Chrysler Performance West and Irwindale Speedway & Event Center Regarding

“Fall Fling 25th Anniversary”

(October 20, 2020) Irwindale, CA - Officials from Chrysler Performance West and Irwindale Speedway & Event Center, in consultation with local officials, have made the unfortunate decision to cancel “Fall Fling 25th Anniversary,” until a time when it can be assured that an event of this prestige can be hosted in a safe and successful manor. The event, previously scheduled for this Saturday, October 24th, was set to host a participant only Mopar Swap Meet and Drag Race on Irwindale Dragstrip. CPW and I.S.E.C. ask for patience and understanding from all participants as we look toward the future for possible collaborations.

All pre-paid participants will receive full refunds for the Saturday, October 24th event. Refunds will be processed automatically and will begin as soon as possible. Questions can be directed to info@cpwclub.com and info@irwindalespeedway.com.