Aligning door

Let us know how you get it right so others can use those thechniques

oldmanmopar’s explanation made sense, I could totally see closing the door on something bending that out. What I did was put a short 2x2 up by the top jamb and push in on the bottom, trying to bend it back. Did this a number of times, I did get it to move maybe 1/2 of the distance I wanted. I’m my testing after every push I noticed I could push the door in a little more than the latch held it. I readjusted the striker, it pulled the top in just a hair but I’m probably the only one that would see it. But it pulled the bottom in enough it’s way better than it was. That bottom sticking out has been bugging me for a long time, I’m happy with it now.

As always, I appreciate the responses!