HELP: Headlight switch triggering STARTER!!!

Stuff like, "If you key up your handheld radio, and the antenna glows red, you could be running way too much power
When I lived on a small lot in Maine, I was experimenting with indoor antennas (magnetic loops). Circulating currents and voltages are extremely high in this type of antenna. The tuning capacitor was (partially) a short stub of RG-58 coax. Worked fine barefoot (100W) but when I keyed up the linear (500W) it set the stub on fire. Flames, bits of burned polyethylene floating in the air... My wife was impressed :eek:

Also on the subject of odd circuit paths, the A-body had a neat one. Turn on the radio, wipers, turn signal and put your foot on the brake. The radio would turn on & off with the flasher... wipers start and stop too!