Point gap
If you have a good test light, make sure you have power to the + side of the coil. The with the points open, make sure you have power to the points/condenser terminal inside the distributor. If you do, take the coil wire out of the distributor cap and lay the end about a 1/4" from a good ground on the intake. run a screwdriver (with an insulated handle!) across the distributor case to the contact end of the points, in essence, shorting the circuit to ground. That should create a spark at the end of the coil wire if you make and break that connection, the same way it would if the points were opening and closing. If that works to create a spark, you have something wrong with the points or condenser. If it still doesn't create a spark, you may have a bad connection (or it's wired wrong) at the points/condenser connection. If you don't have power to the coil, check back the circuit until you find power. Might be the ballast resistor or a wire connection up the line somewhere.