Point gap
Is the D in correctly? ; you said you took it out.
The point-system is pretty primitive. It only needs battery power to the coil (+) terminal, and a switching mechanism on the (-) side.
And the condenser cleans it up.
A simple switch I have used to prove the coil is working, is a coarse file commonly known as a flat-bastard, and some wire. I remove both wires from the coil, near-ground the coil hi-tension wire, and jumper the battery(+) to the coil(+).. Then I lay the file on a good ground, connect a second jumper to the coil (-) and strip about 3/8 of an inch off the free end. I then drag the bared wire along the file, while watching the sparks stream from the near-grounded wire.
If you get the spark-stream, the coil is good.
From here, you can re-install the factory power source, turn the key to run, and drag the bare wire along the file again.If you still get the spark-stream, then the factory power source is good.
So now you are down to the switch mechanism. Reinstall the point wire onto the coil (-), separate the points, and jumper the point arm with your bared-end jumper, then drag it along the grounded file again. A spark-stream now proves the condenser is working and the points are not grounded.
Remove the jumper. Short the point arm to ground (as previously mentioned), by using a small screwdriver in a stabbing motion, quickly making and breaking the connection. Every time you stab, you should get one spark. You now have a fully functioning system, with several caveats;
1) the points have to be clean on their contacting surfaces.
2) they have to actually open and close, and
3) the distributor driveshaft has to be in sync with the camshaft, and
4) in order to run, the spark has to make it out of the cap, and be sent to the right sparkplug at the right time, ie, the rotor needs to be installed and indexed., and
with the #1 cylinder (frontmost on the crank/ driver's side front) at TDC/ COMPRESSION, it's wire synced to whichever tower is standing above the indexed rotor-tip, and the others following in the correct firing order, namely 18436572.
That's all I got.