Project "Chihuahua" '65 Formula S Restoration "Estilo Mexicano"

The floor/trunk patches were not leveled out by the painter. Result is that his final coats did not cover the rough edges of the black 3M panel adhesive used to fill the welding pinholes. That's what happens when one is not on-site to oversee every little detail.

The remedy was for me to sand them back down with abrasives attached to a power drill and Dremel tool. I pre-treated some spots with a little Ospho. Then brushed on two coats of RustOleum clean metal primer (white). That was enough of a fix, however I went one step beyond by spraying on one coat of RustOleum High Performance Enamel (black). Henceforth, future generations will have no problem finding where the patch panels are located thanks to the color contrast. Eventually, insulation and carpeting will cover the scars.

Bar rusty floor 5.JPG

Bar sanded floor 5.JPG

floor pan final white 3.JPG

floor pan final black 1.JPG

floor pan final black 2.JPG