Stop in for a cup of coffee

Voting was odd this morning. They were randomly finger printing people. Never seen that before

We had a rough time... Not the usual pole workers as they are so old they are in the high risk category so we had new pole workers that were learning how things go...

I got there when they opened... They didn't have the electronic voting working yet so you had to do a paper ballot... Well they give you a sharpie permanent market to use on the sheets and it bleeds through to the back of the sheet and the second sheet if you stack them on top of each other...

My first round, the marker bled through too much and it flagged a couple votes so they had to cancel that set and give me another one... The second rouind I didn't press as hard, but it rejected one mark on each sheet... Luckily I was able to remake the mark a little larger and it took... Otherwise I would have had to fill out a third set of ballots...

The electronic voting does not have those issues, I've used that many times before with no problems... But the novice poll workers didn't get them working yet...