Body Plug Kit Question and Comment

Looking up from underneath the vehicle ('65 Formula S Barracuda) I see a few holes in the floor pan that are not accessible from above. I don't remember now if some of those holes had plugs in them (it's been almost 3 years since we stripped/sandblasted the body). What do you think?

The generic (pre-1967) A-Body plug kits don't seem to be complete for the Barracuda models. I have a pair of triangular pieces for inside the rear window sheet metal (2602110), a pair of oval pieces for the trunk (2093981) and four rubbery plugs which may fit extra front seat holes-not sure (2093945). Actually am missing one each of the #2093981 and #2093945. I will just have to find substitutes. With so many Barracuda restorations out there, one would think there would be a correct, specific kit for that model but I guess not.

Barracuda floor plugs.JPG