Last one to post in this thread wins!

I see my mom once a year at the most and always on her birthday if I can.
I would hate to make her sick for sure.

same here
all my fault of course, since im the one who moved out of their house, but ive been doing my due diligence to see them at least once a year (here in the US, or in the Netherlands, and once even in Chile, that was cool)

of course, we were 'posed to head out there this june, for my dads retirement party...but by then, they had closed the country down and its coming up to 2 years since ive seen my parents

flipside of the coin, my mother in law lives with us and i see here, well, lets just say it evens out
on top of that, shes got alzheimers which brings with it a whole nother set of challenges and annoyances

you dont want to know how often i have made my self a cup of coffee in the morning and set it down on the counter as i get the kids ready, only for her to come by, see the coffee, not remember she didnt make it, and take off with it