2019 summer race.... Jadaharabi vs 318willrun


Trying to press the U-joints out of the axle at the moment. Let me see if 12 tons will do it.

Well the 12-ton press did its job. It pressed the U-joint through on the axle shaft. When it let loose things went flying except for one U-joint cap. I had to cut it off with my four and a half inch grinder.

So I now have the new U-joint the new stub shaft mounted to the axle and I have the studs in the new hub bearing assembly.

And while the seal press tools are handy. When you watch the video they are tapping them with a rubber mallet and all kinds of crap. And that is just bogus. I got the seal started then had to press it on with my 12-ton press no way I could have beat that on with the hammer and it still work correctly.


Time to get back under it.