shots from the garage...





last weekend on “This ole trailer”..... first of all my disclaimer. I own a welder, but I’m not a welder. After looking at most of the structure of the trailer I decided my skills, or lack thereof, couldn't be much worse. I got things as clean as I could and turned the power up and went to town. My weapon of choice is a Miller 211 110/240 mig welder. While I’ve done numerous little projects in my shed utilizing the 110, I have no 240 outlets. I talked to a guy that does electrical work where I work and after 2 occasions of him not showing up I called a friend. After a few pictures and some conversations a plan was devised for a “dirty 240” outlet. Armed with a shopping list I went to Ace and despite my better judgement dove into the main electrical panel and had a power supply. Found a 50ft cord via Amazon and by Sunday afternoon had the new hanger on as well as the two 1/4” thick triangle outer plates on each side of the 1/4” hangers. I also boxed the rear hangers down further.... next weekend we’ll get the left side done where so far I’ve only discovered a crack on the rear hanger. Drilled a hole at the end of the crack and we’ll grind a “v” along it and bead her up before adding the side plates.