SLANT SIX water pump install

Insure you use a gasket on both sides of the sheet-metal plate. Check each hole first to see whether it is blind or penetrates into the water cavity. For the later, coat the bolt threads with sealant. I use Permatex gasket sealant, which is a gummy rubber liquid which cleans up with ethanol. Best to take your time and first install each bolt without the pump until it bottoms out and measure to insure it won't bottom out with the pump on. Also clean up threads with a tap if any rust. Don't coat the gaskets with RTV like some gomers do. If you feel you must, use a gasket sealant and best if only on one side so the gasket won't want to squeeze out and tear.

Bill, I am a BIG believer in RTV. I don't goop it all over God's creation, but I do use it in nearly every bole that screws into the block, blind holes or open. The reason I do that is because RTV not only seals, but it also keeps bolts from rusting and seizing up. Living in the south where it's really humid, I've seen bolts in blind holes rust slam up. RTV stops that from happening. Some people cry about how "hard" it is to clean up, but that's a lot easier to me than broken bolts.