We are having a very small Thanksgiving. Me, the wife, our son who lives with us, our daughter who has her own place, my sister in law, her husband and thier 2 small children. We all are very diligent on being very careful. My sister in law is a microbiologist and runs the local Covid lab that processes most tests from across the state so, she is VERY diligent. My daughter pretty much just works and hangs out at her house. She was going to have a Friendsgiving thing on the 20th at her house, i called her yesterday and told her she needed to cancel that **** for now and, if she didnt she wasn't coming here on Thanksgiving. She wasn't happy about that but, i have type 1 Diabetes and asthma so, i ain't playing around. I would love to see my 47th birthday. We have made it this long and, a couple more months we may be able to get a vaccine and put this **** behind us. I just found out my buddies wife has Covid, he just had chemo and a stem cell transplant, I sure hope he doesn't get it....He is only 48...Stay safe!!