Stop in for a cup of coffee

Ya, im sorry i brought it up. Its depressing. Even though im in a small town, and cases are next to nil, i cant help but watch how complacent many people are.
If it gets loose in a grocery store here, in a week it will hit 25% of the population. Minimum.
2 grocery stores,both doing their best to keep it at bay.
Not your fault man. And while it may be depressing, it’s reality right now. There’s no escaping the fact that it’s affecting the daily lives of everyone on the globe.

the sad part is, my buddy who’s one of those ultra survivalist people, he’s sitting back happy as clam. Him and his wife have been working from home for ten years, they grow and raise all their own food, basically, he’s got his own little compound and was already cut off from the world physically. I should have listened to him more. I thought he was slightly paranoid and a Germanaphobe(which he is, wanna see OCD, see this guy). He tried to get me to do the same thing he did way back during the whole swine flu thing, I laughed and said, nah, I’m good with my tornado/flood kit. You know the first aid kit, flashlight, and a few bottles of water kind of kit. Boy should I have listened, cause he doesn’t seem so crazy anymore