It's not that simple...
The no lockdown may have worked in Sweden because they are more responsible as individuals than we are here...
China had a strict lockdown and opened up when the wave was still spreading everywhere else.... China has much more strict and severe enforcement over its people.... (They'll kill ya...)
Americans usually do what they feel, sometimes being selfish and don't follow the rules... If more Americans would look out more for the good of the group than just for themselves as individuals, then we would be in better shape....
Example: That guy in the FBBO thread this week (that is now deleted) who had covid and travelled to Ohio and said he didn't care who he exposed and infected... The people at colleges and the others that are having large gatherings.... The presidential rallies where they don't wear masks or practice social distancing... The people in the streets "protesting" the deaths of unarmed citizens by the police.... Those are the assholes that are making this worse for all of us....
It depends on the mindset of the population as to what will work....
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