833 Transmission won't disengage at stop after 100 miles.
No problem. In all the bell housings I've ever checked, I've only run into one that had to be shimmed at the bolts to get the face to come in. If I had it to do all over I think I'd had a machine shop put the bell in a mill and check parallelism. If it was off, I'd probably have taken a cut on the transmission face of the bell to square it up rather than shim. I've had the most problems with resurfaced flywheels. Sometimes the shop doesn't clean the crank flange face of the flywheel or they don't get the hub of the grinder clean so the flywheel seats down square and the flywheel ends up being cocked in the grinder. One flywheel I had done twice before I decided the shop I was using just couldn't get it done and changed shops.