Should I replace the stock 360 intake?

Originally, when the Little Red Expresses were being advertised, they were slated to come out with the W2 heads.
Totally incorrect.
(And it’s freakin amazing how this myth still continues on today despite recorded, printed reports stating that this is untrue by the people that forbidden the W2 test on the engine and those that did the testing and got in trouble by it.)
Jeeeeeezzzz H crist!!!!!

I remember reading some info on that sometime ago. I don't remember if it was cost, emissions, or why it never made it to the table. Anyone on here have the real story?
As mentioned above, the engineers were told not to test the W2 heads on the internet ngine because they were to be slated only for the race track program and not to be homologated. They did worry about passing emissions but did t really care of it did or did not since it was never slated to be on any OEM vehicle.

The engineers grabbed a set and tested them on the engine slated for the little red express as just to see what would happen.
(Wouldn’t you try it with a dyno at the ready since it’s your job to dyno stuff? I sure would! Free dyno time on the companies dime! Oh hell yea!)
Then word got out and an absolute and resounding “NO” happened.
(It passed the emissions test)
So that said to me there was possible wiggle room for the head in the future as a possible release to the public on a OEM engine and car package.