Over budget 318 build

So that is where I’m at right now. According to the paper that came with the pistons, using their ring gap factor, my ring gap should be .03152. (3.94x.0080). Now the paper says a 4.000 bore which obviously mine is smaller so I’m thinking a .030 should do the trick. What do you think?
Also I put the ring in the bore to test out the feeler gauge. I got .018 is the gap right now for the #1 bore. .019 will not fit in the gap. So I’ll have to grind and test the gap to get it to .030. Or should it be smaller than that?

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Be careful when grinding the rings.... Just do three rotations and check, three rotations and check... Lather rinse repeat...

If you try to do like 10 strokes or more, you can overshoot and make the gaps too big...

After a couple of rings, you'll get an idea of how much to grind...

I forgot to also mention that you should get a small grinding stone...

After you get the ring gap to the proper size, then use the grinding stone to chamfer the 4 edges of the rings on each face for both sides... This will knock off the sharp edges to keep them from scratching the bore in the block and pistons and help them spin freely....