Subframe Connectors
This is the one topic that consistently brings out what passes for snobbery on this forum.
Yes. If you have the equipment, space, experience, subframe connectors are a “cheap and easy” thing to create.
Somehow, the folks who proclaim this forget that not everyone wants to do this. Not everyone wants to have a Home Depot fabrication job under their prized car. Not everyone wants to attempt their own welding on their own car. Not everyone is confident that they’re not going to melt through their floors or start their car on fire. Not everyone has the luxury of hundreds of hours of welding practice. Not everyone wants to sit back and just assume their pieces are as working as good as they can be.
Plug and play/of the shelf parts are a known quantity, typically tested (or vetted by the market) for functionality with repeatable results. It might cost a lot more but please try to understand that folks may have good reasons for wanting to buy rather than fabricate.
It’s fine to mention the “DIY” alternatives but it’s not the only answer.