Husqvarna chainsaw questions
Going from a 20 inch to a 28 is a pretty big leap. I would personally go to a 24 inch with a 3/8 chain which will take 84 driver links. Chisel or a rounder tooth will depend on how dirty the wood is you’re cutting. The chisel isn’t going to like dirt much and will go dull faster than a rounder tooth. As far as the homeowners chain, the box will be green on the side where the more aggressive chain will have yellow on the side of the box. (Pre cut Oregon chain loops). The visual difference is that the depth gauge right in front of each tooth will be just a single piece of metal whereas the homeowners chain will have more than one piece of metal in front of each tooth eliminating the tooth from taking such a big bite. If you do go 28 inch I do recommend skip tooth because you with be down a bit on power to drive a full comp chain.
(More teeth)
43 years professional woodcutter