Last one to post in this thread wins!

Happy hump day MW .
Nope I was up at 4 am .
Mark how you doin' ?
Another clear warm day (for you guys up north) currently 46* and going for a high of 59*
But for us a bit nippy .
That reminds me , a few years ago I was in Coeur d' alene , Id in July , It was 10 am as I was cruising by a construction site as the workers were taking a break it was 60* . I asked one of the guys how it was going , he said he was roasting , it's so hot . I about fell out of the car laughing thinking to myself HOT he doesn't know what hot is . Around here during July the low is in the 90's and the high runs in the 115's and this year we hit 121*
It's all about what you're acclimated to .