remember when you ran your brush through that oil hole from the block that goes down into the cam bearing? And everybody asked that that was clocked correctly so the cam bearing holes line up? As the cam turns to the correct position it allows oil from the block to go through the cam bearing up through the block and through that hole around that rocker shaft hold down and into the rocker shaft and then spills out onto and in the rocker arms...
On engine stand with break in oil everything pretty much ready to go except for the distributor and the intermediate shaft in you slide an octagon shaft with a drill on the end and spend your oil pump. Definitely have a filter on and definitely have the oil pressure plug plugged or engage in on it LOL or you'll have the fountain of youth spring all over the place LOL (ask me how I know..)
My wife is done this with me so many times she knows... She generally runs the drill at a medium pace and I turn the engine slowly with a socket on the harmonic balancer bolt with the plugs out... She'll say "there it is!".. that means she felt the drill speed up a little by itself and sure enough a second later oil starts pumping out The rocker shaft of one side or the other. Then I continued turning while she runs a drill till I get it coming up on the other side...
How the cam has 5 bearings and The rocker shafts have five hold down bolts. Neither the front or the rear or the middle it's the two in between. 1 rocker shaft runs off the number two bearing and one runs after number four bearing..