Snakes are somewhat a hobby of mine. Do you know what that is? A lot of people mistake that for a King snake, but it's not. That's an Easter Indigo Snake. In every state they are in they are protected by local, state and federal law. They were once endangered because people kept them as pets because of their docile nature. Here's the good news. That's not a full grown adult, so that means there are more on your property. That's real good news, because every single venomous snake in North America is on their diet list AND they are immune to all venomous snakes in North America as well and possibly the world......much like King snakes. Plus they are VERY territorial. They stay right where their home is and don't stray very far. If ever there was a good snake, you got it. We have a lot of them around here too......primarily because of Rusty's relocation service. lol Since we have outdoor cats, I want the best possible protection for them against venomous snakes and the Eastern Indigo is it!