
I am about to take a plunge, importing products from the states, for resale. Doesent look to be that easy though. I need to secure a broker, reliable freight company and get an importers license. I may learn a few things along the way, maybe i will be able to assist my fellow canadians with goods from the us. It will be a slow process if it happens at all.

I have dealt with a company in Canada that repairs electronics (this guys know his stuff and specifically the Industry I work in) and knew how to play the game in regards to shipping To/ From Canada to USA. Very specific on times and stated value and packaging. Did it twice and he was spot on. You just need to figure it out.

Alot of members on here know Nicks garage. IMO he is a staple of what the interest level is on the other side of us where it gets mighty cold and snowy. My advice is if you want to sell items be open minded and work with others whether buying or selling. It's fair and in today's technology this is now a daily occurrence without problems....